Tuesday, April 12, 2011

can you just piss off?!

so you started hanging with her, you chose her over me multiple times and now that everything's over, she's still making my life hell! I haven't done shit to her, I've ignored her and stopped asking her anything that's to do with you because she has no right to talk about you. I don't deserve the shit she's giving me. It's like she's one step ahead of me. Looking back at me and laughing. I don't give a fuck about her so why can't she leave me the hell alone! Fuck sakes, i'm so sick of immature little girls getting in the way of my life and if i look back now, it's all your fault. i'm not young enough or adventurous enough for you, i'm not pretty enough or have money to spend and spend on you like she did. she told her friends how you said she was more fun than me. yeah that fucking hurt, so next time, grow a fucking pair and tell me straight up because i'm so sick of knowing the truth but hearing all the lies. It's not my fault all i wanted to do was lie down with you and just let you hold me and kiss me but na, wasn't enough for you. i bet you're thinking you wish you did now.

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